Reignite a Passion That Feels Like Life Before Kids -
Your Journey to Lasting Connection Begins Now

"I can't believe how much our lives have improved in just three days."

Welcome to the Connector Challenge,
where you can reignite the passion in your marriage, even during
the beautiful chaos of raising little ones.

Are you ready to improve communication,
and strengthen your connection with your spouse
in just three days?

The Connector Challenge is your opportunity to
make daily communication easier, stop the same old arguements
and ultimately, get closer to your spouse.

And without a lot of extra time or effort!

We've designed this experience to fit into your daily life,
even for the busiest parents,
requiring just 15 minutes each day.

It's an adventure, not a chore, and it's
specifically designed for couples just like you,
in the thick of navigating diaper dilemmas
and handling daily tantrums.

Let the Connector Challenge jumpstart you on a journey to lasting love and deep understanding.

What's actually inside the Challenge?

The path is revealed one simple step at a time.

Work together as a team,
and complete each assignment to reveal the way
forward towards deeper connection.

Along with our guidance,
you'll gain clarity of what's getting in your way,
and finally stop wasting time and energy on the wrong things.

The Connector Challenge gives you the right tools,
so that you can invest your precious time effectively.

Now you can have that passion for one another,
that can truly live amidst the chaos of raising kids.

Get ready to be the example to your children of how a healthy marriage should look like,
the source of inspiration for friends and family,
and strengthen bonds with all your loved ones.

Prepare to let frustration go and be unapologetically yourself,
and overcome your everyday obstacles with ease.

"Our kids have happier parents;
it's a game-changer."

Saying "YES" to The Connector Challenge
is saying "YES" to a less-stressed future
filled with passion, peace, and possibilities
you currently can't even fathom:
continual ease and connection.

It is possible

It does exist.

And it starts here.

Take the first step towards lasting love.


And rest assured, your privacy and security matter.
Your data and personal information will be kept confidential and secure throughout this transformative process.

Meet the Cleymans, your BFFs
on this transformative journey.

Their love story, born in a picturesque Dutch castle,
mirrors the magic you're about to discover.

From long-distance dating to a cross-continental leap of faith,
Kim and Cheyanne Cleyman have navigated many challenges
and joys together, while raising children, just like you.

Their mission: to share the transformative
power of true, genuine connection has for any
couple in the midst of raising littles.